Many of us click hundreds of pictures everyday, of family events, friends gathering, outings, weddings, and many more such occasions. …

Discover what Technologies do Websites Use Behind the Scene
In the early days, it was quite easy to make out what technologies, tools, services, or programming languages did particular …

How to Make Use of Cloud Services
Cloud and cloud services are the latest buzzwords, be it with major organizations, medium businesses, individual developers or ordinary home …

Google+ Tricks: Play around with your Google Plus account
Google+ has unexpectedly become the next major online social network after Facebook, in an exceptionally short span of time. It …

Design WordPress Theme Without any Knowledge of HTML or CSS
Creating a personal blog or setting up your business website is simple by using WordPress – a well-known content management …

Add Breadcrumb to WordPress
Breadcrumb is basically a navigation support used in software, websites or applications. It is an orderly set of links that …

Delete Google Account
Google Account is a valuable possession for most of us and losing it may be more frightening than your worse …

Delete Skype Account
Skype is the most widely used communication platform on the Web and was recently acquired by Microsoft for a whopping …

Google Account Password Recovery
Google provides lot many online services like GMail, Google Documents, Image Search, Google News, Google Maps and others. A user …

Firefox Saved Passwords
Firefox, a major web browser available in the market today, offers a well-defined built-in feature for storing your passwords for …

Disable or Delete Post Revisions to Minimize WordPress Database
Large blogs or websites, with hundreds and thousands of content articles, built on the WordPress platform may experience rapid growth …

Embed fonts into CSS using Google Web Fonts API
Using fonts within web pages and making it compatible with all the browsers has always been difficult for any web …