GNU/Linux has always been a superior preference among many to run their web servers and applications. Linux operating system is …

Embed fonts into CSS using Google Web Fonts API
Using fonts within web pages and making it compatible with all the browsers has always been difficult for any web …

Convert any printable document into PDF using DoPDF
Converting any document into PDF – a widely used file format for exchanging documents with friends, colleagues, business partners, etc …
Hide file/s within a JPEG image
Many a times, we tend to hide or protect files (like pictures, movies, important business files, etc) on our computers …

Repair PDF Files using the PDF Toolkit (pdftk)
Repairing corrupted PDF files can be a pain without the right repair tool. The PDF Toolkit (pdftk) is an effective …

How to close Facebook account
Facebook account can easily be closed or disabled via Facebook’s settings page. Simply follow the below steps carefully to close, …

Computer Virus
Possibly the single most frightening computing practice is when you discover that your computer has been infected with a virus. …

How does a Computer Virus Work
There are millions of viruses present these days, and new viruses originating every day. It is awfully tricky to provide …

What are the other Malicious Software
The new-age computing has also brought about a new breed of malicious software. Today, the word ‘virus’ has developed into …
The IP address,, is commonly reserved as the default IP for many broadband network routers used within homes. It …

10 Best Antivirus Software and Firewalls
There are several customized security solutions available for just about every kind of user today. While the suspicious few may …

How to Remove Computer Viruses
Has a virus infected your computer? No problem, we have a solution!! There’s always a way to get free of …