Google provides lot many online services like GMail, Google Documents, Image Search, Google News, Google Maps and others. A user …

Firefox Saved Passwords
Firefox, a major web browser available in the market today, offers a well-defined built-in feature for storing your passwords for …

The DCOM DLL Host Process is executed by Dllhost.exe file and is commonly located in C:\\Windows\\System32 directory under Windows. It …

Computer Virus
Possibly the single most frightening computing practice is when you discover that your computer has been infected with a virus. …

How does a Computer Virus Work
There are millions of viruses present these days, and new viruses originating every day. It is awfully tricky to provide …

What are the other Malicious Software
The new-age computing has also brought about a new breed of malicious software. Today, the word ‘virus’ has developed into …

10 Best Antivirus Software and Firewalls
There are several customized security solutions available for just about every kind of user today. While the suspicious few may …

How to Remove Computer Viruses
Has a virus infected your computer? No problem, we have a solution!! There’s always a way to get free of …

Common Virus Symptoms and Precautions
The difficulty concerning virus and malicious attacks is that unless your anti-virus software alerts you of the infection, you have …

How do I Avoid Computer Infection
There’s never truly an approach of being strictly protected from viruses and malicious software attacks, particularly when your computer is …
Clipboard Hack Problem – Beware of CTRL+C
Ctrl+C may be the most important work we do every day while we work on a computer. We cannot even …
Trojan Horse Virus
A Trojan horse virus is a phrase used to illustrate malware software that seems to execute a useful system process …