Mp4’s or as they are sometimes refered to mpeg-4 was developed by ISO or International Organization for Standardization. It is a format that is used specifically for multimedia, it is most typically used to house digital audio and video information. It may be composed of other data forms including subtitles and still images. MP4 is being used more widely these days. Its popularity is greatest among the latest iPod players and PSP users. This form of file compression provides a suitable method of storing DVD quality movies at an appropriately small size to optimize storage. The form of compression used to achieve this is called MPEG-4 compression.
DivX is a brand name of products established by DivX, Inc. or as it was formerly known DivXNetworks, Inc. It includes the DivX Codec which has become extremely popular as a result of its ability to compress lengthy video segments into small convenient sizes while maintaining relatively high visual quality. The DivX codec uses lossy MPEG-4 Part 2 compression, where the quality of the video is balanced against the file size for utility. It is one of a variety of codecs generally associated with “ripping”, which is essentially the process of transferring audio and video multimedia to a hard disk where it is transcoded.
One may choose to convert MP4 to DivX to minimize the space used for storing a video. It is essential to note that the DivX format is more often than not housed as an AVI file. To convert from MP4 to DivX you will need the corresponding software, in general it is a quick and fairly direct process to initiate.
Things you will need
Software to convert the video in this case Open Video Converter
The appropriate video decoder for your MP4 file.
The appropriate AVI video decoder for your DivX file
The MP4 video you wish to convert.
• First you will need to install the appropriate video decoder and audio decoder for the mp4 format such as FFDSHOW.
• Then install the avi video or audio encoder for your DivX file.
• If you have not installed your video converter go ahead and do so. For this set of instructions it is assumed you may have used Open Video Converter.
• Launch Open Video Converter
• Click on the Open Video button, and select an mp4 file for conversion from mp4 to avi.
• If the conversion failed on your first try then try to use MK4V to AVI with subtitle for MP4/M4V to AVI.
• Conversion should take some time depending on the length of the video that you are converting.
• Once conversion is complete you may open your newly formed DivX file and view to assess the quality.
Do’s and Dont’s
Do not turn off your PC while you are converting at any point as you will have to restart conversion if this happens. You will not be able to resume a conversion that had already started once the program is shut down.